Pay Dates
- All professional and salaried regular employees are paid monthly on or about the 25th of the month.
- If the 25th falls on a holiday or weekend, the pay date will be the prior work day.
- Substitutes are paid on the same schedule as staff members
Time Records
Weekly time records will be maintained on all nonexempt personnel. Electronically submitted timesheets must be verified by the supervisor and submitted to Payroll on the designated dates. Records will indicate all hours worked each week, including compensatory time earned and used. All overtime shall be pre-approved by the immediate campus or department supervisor. Any employee who repeatedly works in excess of his/her assigned work schedule, without authorization, will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination.
All professional employees shall enter time-off requests into Union Grove Portal. Principals and directors should approve time-off requests daily in order to maintain accurate information. Secretaries who handle time-off must reconcile absences to ensure substitutes have been entered and leave has been correctly applied. Hourly employees should enter all absence requests on an approve form. Those should be approved by the supervisor before the absence is taken.
Direct Deposit
All employees are eligible for automatic payroll deposit. Any changes to direct deposit information must be received in the Payroll office 10 days prior to the scheduled pay date. The Direct Deposit Authorization Form is listed below.
Payroll Information
All changes, OTHER EARNINGS, etc. must be received in the PR office TEN (10) days prior to the scheduled pay date. Employees may access most payroll information, including pay history, direct deposit stubs, W-2's