Getting Started at UGISD
Enrolling in UGISD
The Union Grove ISD Board of Trustees is committed to the success of the students and teachers of our community. It is our vision to provide facilities that promote the learning process in a safe and secure environment. We will strive for academic excellence while soliciting community involvement in all that we do. Union Grove ISD will strive to be fiscally responsible while providing the best possible education to the students of our community.
What You'll Need to Register
New students will be required to provide ALL of the following information.
Proof of Residency
Utility bill, including cable bills (showing street address). Applications for utility service, a 'disconnect' bill, or a cell phone bill will not be accepted. If utility bill is not in the name of the parent or legal guardian, an affidavit from the appropriate campus must be completed, notarized prior to registration, and approved through the superintendent's office prior to registration. A recent rent receipt (if all bills paid by landlord) will be accepted.
Proof of home ownership or lease/rental agreement listing all tenants in the rented property.
Driver’s license or photo ID of person enrolling student
Withdrawal record from previous school
Immunization Requirements
Student’s social security number
Birth certificate for each student enrolling
Missing your child’s birth certificate? Visit to order a replacement certified copy or download the flyer below.
Birth Certificate Flyer (English) | (Spanish)
Procedure for the Verification of Residency
Proof of Residency (Google Doc)
Student Registration